
Stilīgas, pavisam jaunas dzīvojamās un
koprades telpas studentiem un jaunajiem profesionāļiem

Elastīgas nomas iespējas jebkuram uzturēšanās ilgumam
Sākot no
499 € /mēnesī
Sākot no
20 € /naktī
Izvēlies apartamentus

Pilnībā Mēbelēti Apartamenti Jelgavas iela 8/12, Rīga, Latvija

Jums ir kādi jautājumi?

Sazinieties ar mums!

Sazinieties ar mums, un mēs ar prieku sniegsim jums atbildes!

Tepat blakus Jelgavas iela 8, Rīga, Latvija

Ko saka Shed iedzīvotāji

Adrian Berger

Resident of SHED Riga

I can only thank the SHED Riga team.
Not only was the room booking process and support fantastic, but the team was willing to address my personal situation. The rooms are modern, and the location is well connected to the city, especially as a student.

Caroline T.

Resident of SHED Riga

A great place to stay for your first years of study. I am overall really confident with how the administration handled problems, and all of the staff were always welcoming, which I appreciated. Good location too if you study at RSU, as the tram is only 10 minutes away.

Denis Sharma

Resident of SHED Riga

SHED Co-living is a fantastic place for students to live. It offers a peaceful environment, incredibly helpful and friendly staff, and great amenities. It's a hidden gem that provides the perfect balance of comfort, convenience, and community.


Resident of SHED Riga

I believe SHED Co-living is great for students or anyone looking for mid to long term accommodation. The building itself is very new and the studios come fully equipped with amenities at an affordable price (especially taking into account the cost of living in Riga). The accommodation is conveniently located near bus & tram stops.


Resident of SHED Riga

For a monthly rent equal to that of a tiny apartment somewhere in the outskirts of the Riga center, you get a very ergonomic, well-equipped room with a private kitchen and WC, in a co-living complex situated in a beautiful green area of the city, with the Old Town peeking right from across the river. The modern and carefully designed spaces include a big-enough gym, as well as many other beautiful common areas.

Eko Hunter

Resident of SHED Riga

I have been living in SHED Co-Living for the past few months, and it has been an amazing experience. The staff here is extremely friendly and helpful, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure all of us residents are comfortable and taken care of.

Leena Hautamäki

Resident of SHED Riga

I would like to thank you for the very comfortable staying that I have experienced in SHED Co-living! Especially, I really like the peaceful and beautiful environment. That is why I would be interested to live in SHED also after ten months, so I want to prolong the rent time.


Resident of SHED Riga

The gym is good and complete and his best advantage: 1 min of your room no apologies to don’t have a god body. Furthermore, the common kitchen is perfect to cook nevertheless I loved to meet and spend time with other students. Besides the people of the reception are so nice and very kind.


Kas ir SHED Co-living Rīga? Mums patīk saskatīt visā pozitīvo un neizliekamies par to, kas neesam, tikai, lai izklausītos vilinošāki. Un mums svarīgo veiksmīgi paskaidro šis citāts – “Tikai pilnveidojoties, Tu spēsi pieveikt katru nākamo līmenī savā dzīves ceļā.”

Tieši tāpēc SHED piedāvā drošus apartamentus, kas radīti radīšanai! Neatkarīgi no tā vai Tavu ceļo izkrāšņo jauni mērķi, starta idejas vai pat pilnīgi jauns Tu pats – mēs vēlamies Tev dot vietu, kurā tiek svinētas pārmaiņas un pilnveidošanās.

Lec iekšā bez pārpratumiem! SHED nav maza būdiņa, kur nogrūst nevajadzīgo. SHED ir vieta, kas Tev liks mirdzēt jaunajā dzīves epizodē un palīdzēs atbrīvoties no liekajiem krāmiem, kas nekādīgi vairs nepalīdz iet uz priekšu. Līdzīgi kā 🚀, kas atbrīvojas no liekajām daļām, kad tā paceļas kosmosā, tiecoties pēc brīvības. 😍

SHED Tevi aicina dzīvot dzīvi, kura ved uz iespēju pilnu nākotni. Dzīvi, ko ieskauj dažādas kultūras un iedvesmojoši cilvēki no visas pasaules 🌎. Esam vienīgā co-living vieta, kas patiesi novērtē pilnveidošanos un radošuma brīvību, tieši tāpēc mēs ne tikai parūpēsimies par Tavas dzīves komforta un drošības līmeni, bet nodrošināsim arī modernas co-living un co-working telpas Rīgā – jaunai pieredzei, aizraujošām sarunām un neskaitāmām jaunām aktivitātēm. Tas viss zem viena, dažkārt nedaudz ekscentriska, bet noteikti ne garlaicīga jumta.

Shed your
old self and
meet the
new you
